Last week I missed out a day when we scootered down a mountain at Schwartzee.
The picture is of me, dad and Euan with our scooters just before we were going to scoot down the mountain. The anoying thing was that we diddn't realise that we got a cable cart ride with the scooters so we all walked up the mountain because we diddn't think we would be able to have anough monney for both. It was a really tough walking up the mountain but when we were having our lunch when we were half way up we realised that the cable cars came with the scooters. But the good thing was that it was a beautiful walk up the mountain and the man gave us a discount. We all agreed that it was good to get some excercise. When we were scooting it was amazing, it was really bumpy but the tyres were so thick that we could hardly feel the bumps. Neve x
It was a pity about the cable cars, so it was good that you enjoyed the walk and got a discount. I'm sure the scooting made up for the disappointment and was great fun. Grandma x