Sorry didn't have time to write the blog yesterday so we will write it today instead as it is not a day to forget!
It was a lovely sunny day yesterday so we decided to go for a walk. Firstly we went to a beautiful waterfall which was falling from the edge of the continental split.

Then we went for the walk which was fine but not quite what we were looking for as it wasn't as pretty as we wanted. There were mountains around us but there was not much colour however we did enjoy the fresh air.
We then went for a picnic outside which was a mistake as it was REALLY cold and the wind was still strong so we quickly ate behind a wall for shelter and got back in the car!

We then went to a place where we knew there was a spa however it wasn't open when we got there so me and Dad decided to go for a short walk.
When we got back we went to the spa. We started in the steam rooms that were using natural steam from the ground so you got a lot of scoulding hot steam all at one time which lead to it being very funny to watch people running out when you were in the pool. Me and Euan swam around for a bit and then went in the hot pool which was lovely. It was really weird as you could here the wind whistling as it was so cold but you didn't feel cold at all. We then went for a drink in a very posh cafe which was empty and the man that was serving us told us that his son had won a BAFTA!
There were seats where there was water squirted on you. Me and Neve both enjoyed those.After this lovely day went back to the house and got ready to go out for a meal in Reykavik which was amazing and not too expensive. We went out late as we wanted to go and see the Northern Lights after as it was a clear sky. All we had to do was get away from the street lights and we started to see them. They were like light greeny blue streaks in the sky and we were so lucky to be able to see them! It was absolutely magical!
Me and Neve had a margherita pizza and liquid chocolate cake and ice cream.They did not photograph well but here are some of the better ones.

On of the best days of my life and can't wait for today. Lots of love Neve and Euan xxxx