Today was our last day and we didn't want to waste it so we went to Blue lagoon again. It was like a blizzard when we arrived. It was snowing heavily and the wind was really quite strong but we thought that it would be refreshing in the water. Unfortunately it was so cold that the water wasn't very warm so we spent most of our time in the sauna and steem rooms. We still had an icecream though but in the cafe instead. There were some hot bits which were lovely where everyone was crouded round.
I bought a bracelet with a sharp "P" which stands for happiness engraved on it. Thank you for the money you both gave us. I have £2.50 left. We used it on things already described earlier on the blog.
Unfortunately this is our last blog post. We have thouroughly enjoyed writing them and our holiday. Thank you for reading them. Lots of love Neve and Euan.
Thank you for reading mine and Neve's blog. Your loving grand children :)xxxx
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Yesterday we went for a bike ride into Reykavik along the ocean. The water was really pretty as the sun was shining again. When we got to Reykavik we went to a cafe for a hot chocolate and crepe to put all the calories on again! We then carried on with our bike ride to get home for lunch. We lost our way a bit and ended up doing a loop and got back to the same place. We then continued on the right path back home but we were battling against the wind the whole way which meant we were a lot slower and it was a lot harder too. We finally got back at 5pm and we had still had no lunch so when we got in we had a massive dunch (lunch/dinner) and then some fresh pasta later.
Half way through the ride when we stopped there was some glass by my bike. It punctured my back tyre. I cycled on for about half of the way back not realising and got complained at for being very slow. Dad heroically (Dad wanted this word to be put in) pushed me all the way home for about 3 miles. Neve had a really awful bike and Mum heroically (Mum wanted this word put in) swapped so Neve could have the better one.
We were VERY tired so that is why we didn't write the blog yesterday. Lots of love Neve and Euan xxxx
Another good day. I enjoyed it too. Hope you enjoyed mine and Neve's blog. Love Euan :)xxxx

P.S. When we were in the cafe there was a table where you could put a note under a glass covering. We didn't have a pen so mum looked in her pocket and we found Nanny's shopping list so we put that in there instead!!!

Yesterday we went for a bike ride into Reykavik along the ocean. The water was really pretty as the sun was shining again. When we got to Reykavik we went to a cafe for a hot chocolate and crepe to put all the calories on again! We then carried on with our bike ride to get home for lunch. We lost our way a bit and ended up doing a loop and got back to the same place. We then continued on the right path back home but we were battling against the wind the whole way which meant we were a lot slower and it was a lot harder too. We finally got back at 5pm and we had still had no lunch so when we got in we had a massive dunch (lunch/dinner) and then some fresh pasta later.
Half way through the ride when we stopped there was some glass by my bike. It punctured my back tyre. I cycled on for about half of the way back not realising and got complained at for being very slow. Dad heroically (Dad wanted this word to be put in) pushed me all the way home for about 3 miles. Neve had a really awful bike and Mum heroically (Mum wanted this word put in) swapped so Neve could have the better one.
We were VERY tired so that is why we didn't write the blog yesterday. Lots of love Neve and Euan xxxx
Another good day. I enjoyed it too. Hope you enjoyed mine and Neve's blog. Love Euan :)xxxx
P.S. When we were in the cafe there was a table where you could put a note under a glass covering. We didn't have a pen so mum looked in her pocket and we found Nanny's shopping list so we put that in there instead!!!
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Having a walk, going to a spa and seeing the Northern Lights!
Sorry didn't have time to write the blog yesterday so we will write it today instead as it is not a day to forget!
It was a lovely sunny day yesterday so we decided to go for a walk. Firstly we went to a beautiful waterfall which was falling from the edge of the continental split.

Then we went for the walk which was fine but not quite what we were looking for as it wasn't as pretty as we wanted. There were mountains around us but there was not much colour however we did enjoy the fresh air.
We then went for a picnic outside which was a mistake as it was REALLY cold and the wind was still strong so we quickly ate behind a wall for shelter and got back in the car!

We then went to a place where we knew there was a spa however it wasn't open when we got there so me and Dad decided to go for a short walk.
When we got back we went to the spa. We started in the steam rooms that were using natural steam from the ground so you got a lot of scoulding hot steam all at one time which lead to it being very funny to watch people running out when you were in the pool. Me and Euan swam around for a bit and then went in the hot pool which was lovely. It was really weird as you could here the wind whistling as it was so cold but you didn't feel cold at all. We then went for a drink in a very posh cafe which was empty and the man that was serving us told us that his son had won a BAFTA!
There were seats where there was water squirted on you. Me and Neve both enjoyed those.
After this lovely day went back to the house and got ready to go out for a meal in Reykavik which was amazing and not too expensive. We went out late as we wanted to go and see the Northern Lights after as it was a clear sky. All we had to do was get away from the street lights and we started to see them. They were like light greeny blue streaks in the sky and we were so lucky to be able to see them! It was absolutely magical!
Me and Neve had a margherita pizza and liquid chocolate cake and ice cream.
They did not photograph well but here are some of the better ones.

On of the best days of my life and can't wait for today. Lots of love Neve and Euan xxxx
Sorry didn't have time to write the blog yesterday so we will write it today instead as it is not a day to forget!
It was a lovely sunny day yesterday so we decided to go for a walk. Firstly we went to a beautiful waterfall which was falling from the edge of the continental split.
Then we went for the walk which was fine but not quite what we were looking for as it wasn't as pretty as we wanted. There were mountains around us but there was not much colour however we did enjoy the fresh air.
We then went for a picnic outside which was a mistake as it was REALLY cold and the wind was still strong so we quickly ate behind a wall for shelter and got back in the car!
We then went to a place where we knew there was a spa however it wasn't open when we got there so me and Dad decided to go for a short walk.
When we got back we went to the spa. We started in the steam rooms that were using natural steam from the ground so you got a lot of scoulding hot steam all at one time which lead to it being very funny to watch people running out when you were in the pool. Me and Euan swam around for a bit and then went in the hot pool which was lovely. It was really weird as you could here the wind whistling as it was so cold but you didn't feel cold at all. We then went for a drink in a very posh cafe which was empty and the man that was serving us told us that his son had won a BAFTA!
There were seats where there was water squirted on you. Me and Neve both enjoyed those.
After this lovely day went back to the house and got ready to go out for a meal in Reykavik which was amazing and not too expensive. We went out late as we wanted to go and see the Northern Lights after as it was a clear sky. All we had to do was get away from the street lights and we started to see them. They were like light greeny blue streaks in the sky and we were so lucky to be able to see them! It was absolutely magical!
Me and Neve had a margherita pizza and liquid chocolate cake and ice cream.
They did not photograph well but here are some of the better ones.
On of the best days of my life and can't wait for today. Lots of love Neve and Euan xxxx
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Quad biking and walking!
Today we had an amazing day; we went quad biking! We started off with me on with Dad and Euan with Mum as you had to have a driving licence to drive one. It took a while to get used to it as it was extremely bumpy and fast but when we got it it was fab! Me and Dad got stuck in the snow (we were up a mountain) and the lady had to rescue us! We then stopped off for a break and we could take pictures and have a wee (see picture below!). We then swapped over so I was on with Mum and Euan was on with Dad. We all got stuck again and then me and mum were going so fast over the bumps that we were coming out of our seats! We went through a massive puddle and it all splashed in my face but luckily I had a helmet to stop me getting too dirty. It was a shame when it came to an end but we had a great time and we will never forget it! Here are a few pictures:

It was a bit cold in certain places like where the helmet missed but it was incredible because at first mum kept on stopping and starting and stopping and starting. Once she got the hang of it we were a little bit behind so we had to go really, really fast. Once we were done there we had a hot chocolate and it was really nice because it was quite cold so we warmed up really quickly.
We then had our lunch and went to a beach where Mum taught me how to skim. My reccord was 3 which was good for me! There was also a really pretty little church which we couldn't go in as it was locked but was in a stunning place.
I skimmed 5 bounces with a stone on the water by the church. Dad did 12 bounces.

We then went for a little walk where we were trying to throw stones into the lake over a hill. Not many were going in and then we realised that the lake was not where we were throwing the stones!!!
Another fantastic day. Lots of pictures to make up for yesterday love Neve and Euan xxxx
I loved it too. A great, unusual kind of day. Lots of love Euan and Neve :)xxxx
Today we had an amazing day; we went quad biking! We started off with me on with Dad and Euan with Mum as you had to have a driving licence to drive one. It took a while to get used to it as it was extremely bumpy and fast but when we got it it was fab! Me and Dad got stuck in the snow (we were up a mountain) and the lady had to rescue us! We then stopped off for a break and we could take pictures and have a wee (see picture below!). We then swapped over so I was on with Mum and Euan was on with Dad. We all got stuck again and then me and mum were going so fast over the bumps that we were coming out of our seats! We went through a massive puddle and it all splashed in my face but luckily I had a helmet to stop me getting too dirty. It was a shame when it came to an end but we had a great time and we will never forget it! Here are a few pictures:
It was a bit cold in certain places like where the helmet missed but it was incredible because at first mum kept on stopping and starting and stopping and starting. Once she got the hang of it we were a little bit behind so we had to go really, really fast. Once we were done there we had a hot chocolate and it was really nice because it was quite cold so we warmed up really quickly.
We then had our lunch and went to a beach where Mum taught me how to skim. My reccord was 3 which was good for me! There was also a really pretty little church which we couldn't go in as it was locked but was in a stunning place.
I skimmed 5 bounces with a stone on the water by the church. Dad did 12 bounces.
We then went for a little walk where we were trying to throw stones into the lake over a hill. Not many were going in and then we realised that the lake was not where we were throwing the stones!!!
Another fantastic day. Lots of pictures to make up for yesterday love Neve and Euan xxxx
I loved it too. A great, unusual kind of day. Lots of love Euan and Neve :)xxxx
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Museum and swimming
Hello again,
Today we went to a museum in Rakyavik about the early history of Iceland. We had a audio guide as we went round all of the wax works in the museum. Euan loved it but I wasn't as keen but it was made up with the massive icecream we had afterwards.
In the museum the wax works were so realistic that when we were sat down watching a video a man that worked there went right up to the man next to me and started clapping and clicking in front of his eyes and he did not blink. It was so realistic we really believed it was a real man when really it was a wax work. I had to feel him to make sure that he wasn't real because he looked like he was.
We then came home for lunch instead of having a packed lunch as a treat but before this we went to tourist information where we booked ourselves on a quad biking trip tomorrow! We had just decided not to go snow mobiling as it was too expensive so we were extatic when we realised we could do this instead. This does mean that we will be having our easter egg hunt on monday instead but its worth it!
After lunch, once Mum and Dad had let their dinner go down we went to the swimming pool at the end of the street. Neve and I went down the slides. I did 6 lengths of a 50m pool. On my 5th length a boy said something in Icelandic and I said "English" and he said "do you want to play basketball?". I said "No thank you" then carried on with my lengths. Once I had finished my lengths I wandered by and another boy asked me "do you want to play basketball?", I said "yes" and played a 2 on 2 game of basketball. I won!
Sorry no pictures today definately some tomorrow though I hope. Thanks for the comment lots of love Neve and Euan xxxx
I enjoyed it too. Hope you enjoyed the blog post that Neve and I have written. :)xxxx
Today we went to a museum in Rakyavik about the early history of Iceland. We had a audio guide as we went round all of the wax works in the museum. Euan loved it but I wasn't as keen but it was made up with the massive icecream we had afterwards.
In the museum the wax works were so realistic that when we were sat down watching a video a man that worked there went right up to the man next to me and started clapping and clicking in front of his eyes and he did not blink. It was so realistic we really believed it was a real man when really it was a wax work. I had to feel him to make sure that he wasn't real because he looked like he was.
We then came home for lunch instead of having a packed lunch as a treat but before this we went to tourist information where we booked ourselves on a quad biking trip tomorrow! We had just decided not to go snow mobiling as it was too expensive so we were extatic when we realised we could do this instead. This does mean that we will be having our easter egg hunt on monday instead but its worth it!
After lunch, once Mum and Dad had let their dinner go down we went to the swimming pool at the end of the street. Neve and I went down the slides. I did 6 lengths of a 50m pool. On my 5th length a boy said something in Icelandic and I said "English" and he said "do you want to play basketball?". I said "No thank you" then carried on with my lengths. Once I had finished my lengths I wandered by and another boy asked me "do you want to play basketball?", I said "yes" and played a 2 on 2 game of basketball. I won!
Sorry no pictures today definately some tomorrow though I hope. Thanks for the comment lots of love Neve and Euan xxxx
I enjoyed it too. Hope you enjoyed the blog post that Neve and I have written. :)xxxx
Reykyavik- yesterday
Yesterday we did not have time to write the blog so we are going to write it this morning instead.
Yesterday we decided to explore Rekyavik which is the capital of Iceland. Firstly we went to the church which is only 100 years old and looks amazing. We did not manage to see that much inside as there was a service going on from 1am to 7pm as it was Good Friday. Here is a picture of us:

After this we looked round the city which we found out was really small and went for a drink in a cafe. Me and Euan had a hot chocolate and ice cream, Mum had a hot chocolate and cream and Dad had a traditional meat soup and coffee.
The hot chocolate was amazing; the ice cream was actually inside the hot chocolate and Dad's meat soup was more of a meat stew but he said it was really nice.
When we arrived home it was still quite early so we decided to have our dinner and go out into Reykyavik again for a drink because we didn't want to waste the rest of our evening. It was lovely and we went into a lovely resturant where everyone was really friendly.
Me and Neve had diet coke's, Dad had a black coffee and Mum had a glass of wine!
Another good day and can't wait for today! Love Neve and Euan xxxx
I loved it too. Hope you like what Neve and I have written. Lots of love Neve and Euan :)xx
Yesterday we did not have time to write the blog so we are going to write it this morning instead.
Yesterday we decided to explore Rekyavik which is the capital of Iceland. Firstly we went to the church which is only 100 years old and looks amazing. We did not manage to see that much inside as there was a service going on from 1am to 7pm as it was Good Friday. Here is a picture of us:
After this we looked round the city which we found out was really small and went for a drink in a cafe. Me and Euan had a hot chocolate and ice cream, Mum had a hot chocolate and cream and Dad had a traditional meat soup and coffee.
The hot chocolate was amazing; the ice cream was actually inside the hot chocolate and Dad's meat soup was more of a meat stew but he said it was really nice.
When we arrived home it was still quite early so we decided to have our dinner and go out into Reykyavik again for a drink because we didn't want to waste the rest of our evening. It was lovely and we went into a lovely resturant where everyone was really friendly.
Me and Neve had diet coke's, Dad had a black coffee and Mum had a glass of wine!
Another good day and can't wait for today! Love Neve and Euan xxxx
I loved it too. Hope you like what Neve and I have written. Lots of love Neve and Euan :)xx
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Blue lagoon!
Today we went to Blue Lagoon!!! It was absolutely amazing and one of the best experiences in my whole life. It was like I was in heaven! The water was a gorgeous temperature even though it was cold outside. Whilst we were there it was raining but it was really refreshing. There was a place in the water where you can get cream to put on your face like a face mask (it was free!). Me and Euan decided to give each other a massage with it too! There was also a bar in the water where we all had an ice-cream. It was amazing and very enjoyable to be able to eat it in the water.
We had about £600 worth of cream on our faces and where we had been massaged but since it was a freebie we didn't care! Neve and I both bought souveniers. I bought a Iceland keyring and a badge and Neve got a blue lagoon magnet and a Iceland magnet.

When we had finished we went to a beach where you could see whales but unfortunately we didn't see any but I did see this crab!

The only way we would have seen a whale would be if it came right up to us and waved in our faces because it was so misty, cold and wet!
Here is a picture of us:

We then went to a geothermal field where there was steam coming from the ground and bubbling mud!

Lots of photos were taken but only a few came out well. It looked like the end of the world because it was so steamy. it looked like a meteor had hit the ground. I made gas mask noises as if I was in a battlefield!
Finally we went to the bridge that separates the two continents of Europe and North America. It was very cold by this time but we still mannaged to get a picture!!!
The two plates were separating by 1cm each way per year (2cm a year). If we weren't as tired we may have walked down the middle of the split.

Another great day and I can't wait until tomorrow! Neve and Euan xxxx
I enjoyed the day as well. Hope you enjoyed mine and Neve's blog post. Lots of love xxxxx :)
Today we went to Blue Lagoon!!! It was absolutely amazing and one of the best experiences in my whole life. It was like I was in heaven! The water was a gorgeous temperature even though it was cold outside. Whilst we were there it was raining but it was really refreshing. There was a place in the water where you can get cream to put on your face like a face mask (it was free!). Me and Euan decided to give each other a massage with it too! There was also a bar in the water where we all had an ice-cream. It was amazing and very enjoyable to be able to eat it in the water.
We had about £600 worth of cream on our faces and where we had been massaged but since it was a freebie we didn't care! Neve and I both bought souveniers. I bought a Iceland keyring and a badge and Neve got a blue lagoon magnet and a Iceland magnet.
When we had finished we went to a beach where you could see whales but unfortunately we didn't see any but I did see this crab!
The only way we would have seen a whale would be if it came right up to us and waved in our faces because it was so misty, cold and wet!
Here is a picture of us:
We then went to a geothermal field where there was steam coming from the ground and bubbling mud!
Lots of photos were taken but only a few came out well. It looked like the end of the world because it was so steamy. it looked like a meteor had hit the ground. I made gas mask noises as if I was in a battlefield!
Finally we went to the bridge that separates the two continents of Europe and North America. It was very cold by this time but we still mannaged to get a picture!!!
The two plates were separating by 1cm each way per year (2cm a year). If we weren't as tired we may have walked down the middle of the split.
Another great day and I can't wait until tomorrow! Neve and Euan xxxx
I enjoyed the day as well. Hope you enjoyed mine and Neve's blog post. Lots of love xxxxx :)
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
I did not mannage to write a blog post yesterday as I was so tired so I will write about that today and also Euan is going to add a notes in blue throughout the blog.
Yesterday we had to get up at 4:00am to catch our flight. There was a massive queue to check in and we were transfered to another queue that took even longer. Finally we got on our plane for a 3 hour journey. We arrived at the house at about 10:00am but it felt like 5:00pm because we were so tired. We decided to make the most of the day though so we went to the local swimming pool. Even though it was about 5 oc we went outside to the hot pools (38 oc) and then swam in the main 50m pool where Euan swam 300m! We were all shattered by the end of that so we went to bed at 8:00.
At the check in at the airport there was a man that was directing people to check in points/queues. he kept on shouting anybody for berlin and other places but never shouted anybody for Reykavik. Dad got very fustrated and it sounded like to him he was saying anybody slap me!!!
Today we had a very busy day. Firstly we went to where the America continental plate and Europe continental plate are separating. There was a big split in the ground which was really amazing however it was VERY cold!
One of the splits started by somebody building a big road over a rock, the rock fell and there was a small split in the road which then became a extremely big hole.

We then went to the geyser that all geysers are named after but in Iceland it is spelt geysir. We didn't see that geyser spring but we did see another smaller one spring which we all found amazing! Here is a video:
Here is a picture that Euan took:

We then went to an amazing waterfall which had 2 cascades. We were able to go out on a rock right by the waterfall which was spectacular!

I took lots of photos of the waterfall and quite a few we all thought were amazing. One was especially good and it was of pebbles going into the water:

Our last stop was a volcano crater which was filled with water where Bjork once played. It was really cool and Euan walked right down to where the water was.
When Bjork played at the volcano she went on a raft in the water and before that a joker had put fish in the water too!

We had an amazing jam-packed day and can't wait for tomorrow!!! Neve and Euan :)xxx
My day was amazing too. I loved it lots and lots and I hope you enjoy mine and Neve's blog xxx
I did not mannage to write a blog post yesterday as I was so tired so I will write about that today and also Euan is going to add a notes in blue throughout the blog.
Yesterday we had to get up at 4:00am to catch our flight. There was a massive queue to check in and we were transfered to another queue that took even longer. Finally we got on our plane for a 3 hour journey. We arrived at the house at about 10:00am but it felt like 5:00pm because we were so tired. We decided to make the most of the day though so we went to the local swimming pool. Even though it was about 5 oc we went outside to the hot pools (38 oc) and then swam in the main 50m pool where Euan swam 300m! We were all shattered by the end of that so we went to bed at 8:00.
At the check in at the airport there was a man that was directing people to check in points/queues. he kept on shouting anybody for berlin and other places but never shouted anybody for Reykavik. Dad got very fustrated and it sounded like to him he was saying anybody slap me!!!
Today we had a very busy day. Firstly we went to where the America continental plate and Europe continental plate are separating. There was a big split in the ground which was really amazing however it was VERY cold!
One of the splits started by somebody building a big road over a rock, the rock fell and there was a small split in the road which then became a extremely big hole.
We then went to the geyser that all geysers are named after but in Iceland it is spelt geysir. We didn't see that geyser spring but we did see another smaller one spring which we all found amazing! Here is a video:
Here is a picture that Euan took:
We then went to an amazing waterfall which had 2 cascades. We were able to go out on a rock right by the waterfall which was spectacular!
I took lots of photos of the waterfall and quite a few we all thought were amazing. One was especially good and it was of pebbles going into the water:
Our last stop was a volcano crater which was filled with water where Bjork once played. It was really cool and Euan walked right down to where the water was.
When Bjork played at the volcano she went on a raft in the water and before that a joker had put fish in the water too!
We had an amazing jam-packed day and can't wait for tomorrow!!! Neve and Euan :)xxx
My day was amazing too. I loved it lots and lots and I hope you enjoy mine and Neve's blog xxx
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